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Marmosque is a halal site that matches Muslims from around the US using “new” Imam Inclusion Program.

  • Marmosque is a halal site that matches Muslims from around the US using “new” Imam Inclusion Program.
  • We design and development of the whole website from scratch that is compatible to all the browsers and is responsive web design.
  • Each mosque listed on MarMosque has a direct connection with the Imam.
  • Imam facilitates all communication between matches.
  • 1/3 of your monthly payment will go directly to your mosque.
  • User’s imam from their chosen mosque will have direct access to user’s matches to improve the odds of finding perfect spouse.
  • Ensures religious accuracy & protects the privacy of each and every one of our members.
  • A payment gateway has been integrated into the site.

PHP, Laravel, AngularJS

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